

Rounded objects - Size and Shells

Nearly uniform thickness shells can be made. So far there are just two "primatives": the plane and the sphere. In both cases the defining function can have a constant which determines the size of the resulting object. For the sphere this is the radius and for a plane it is the normal distance of the surface from the origen. Increase this by a small amount for all the surfaces making up an object , and it will be made uniformly bigger. The radius of round corners needs to be increased by the same amount. (For bevelled and rounded bevel corners it will be a bit less.) 

using the size parameter to form a shell

Figure 1: A shell made by the CSG difference between a smaller and larger version of a rounded object made using the size parameter.

This figure was produced by the following Povray code:

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// Rounded objects: Shells
// Vers: 1.00
// Date: 14 Nov 2016
// Auth: John Greenwood
#version 3.7 ;
global_settings {assumed_gamma 1.0 }
#include ""
camera {location angle 7 look_at <0,0,0>
light_source { colour rgb<1,1,1>
background { color rgb<0.2, 0.4, 0.8>
#declare Object = function(p,r,s,x,y,z){
#declare Profile = 0.6; // change this to change the shape of the corner. 0.6 gives very close to circular
#declare Radius = .5; // radius when the corner is circular and surfaces at right angles
#declare Size = .1; // radius when the corner is circular and surfaces at right angles
#difference {
isosurface {
function {
// start of rounded object ****************************************
// end of rounded object **************************
threshold 1
max_gradient 20
contained_by { box {, <3.2,3.2,3.2>
} }
isosurface {
function {
// start of rounded object ****************************************
// end of rounded object **************************
threshold 1
max_gradient 20
contained_by { box {, <3.2,3.2,3.2>
} }
//max_trace 3
box {,<5,5,-5>
pigment {color rgb }}
texture {pigment {color rgb }}