Tweek Colours

I find getting the right colour for an object by changing RGB values is non-intuitive and slow. There are declared colours available in various include files but, unless the colour you want is included and you know its name, you are back to an anonymous RGB value . To over come this I have written a macro that allows you to name a starting colour something like what you want and then tweek it to make it a slightly different shade.

The macro takes four parameters: the name of the colour as a string, change to hue, change of luminance and change of saturation.

For example; Tweeked_Colour("SeaGreen", 20, -10, 0)  takes the named colour SeaGreen, changes the hue by 20 degrees to make it a bit bluer, reduces the saturation to make it a bit greyer and leaves the luminance the same. The result can be seen in this figure:

Example of tweeking
The bottom line is the actual rgb vectors, from which, I find,  is not easy to deduce the colour.

The programme Find_Tweek_Colours.pov generates an array of slightly differing colours, as shown below, and instructions on how to use it.
Show bend colours
The center sphere is the original SeaGreen colour and the spheres either side in each sub-array have a small change of saturation while the rows above and below lighter and darker. The sub-arrays on either side have differences in hue, shown in degrees.

The RGB values are saved in a text file: Tweeked_Colours.txt  in rows and columns coresponding to the above image

 The macro Tweeked_Colour(name, dH, dS, dL)  is in togther with:
The library of colours contains:
Selection of starting colours
In the procedure for converting from rgb space to HCL space and back uses vector rotation. I found this worked better than the macros in
It works by rotating the rgb vector so that the rgb colour cube has the black/white aligned with the z-axis and the red axis in the x-z plane.

This means that the x-y plane is the Hue plane and rotation around the z-axis gives a change of Hue. The length of the vector proportioan to luminance and the angle of the vector with the z-axis is proportional to the saturation.