// This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. // To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ or send a // letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. // Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer version 3.7 Include File // File: Tweek_Colours.inc // Last updated: 9 Sept 2015 // Description: Tools for finding the colour you want and a library of standard named colours. // Auth: John Greenwood #version 3.7; // The library of colours contains: // 141 HTML X11 colours // 30 skin colours from http://www.erdemyilmaz.com.tr/wp-content/uploads/Pantone_SkinTones.htm // 24 Hair colours from http://www.collectedwebs.com/art/colors/hair/ // 24 + 30 "Pantone named colours" from http://www.erdemyilmaz.com.tr/wp-content/uploads/Pantone_NamedColors.htm // The tools include: a look-up table so that the rgb value of any of these colours can be retrieved by the colour name as a string variable // a means of displaying a selection of these colours as a palette with names // a means of saving the same palette as a text file with array of rgb values with names // a macro: Tweeked_Colour(name, dH, dS, dL) that takes a named (as a string) colour and "Tweeks" the Hue, Saturation and Luminance. // Tweeked_Colour(name, dH, dS, dL) provides a means for using a named colour that is "not quite right" and making it, for example, "a little bit bluer", // or "a little bit darker" or "a little bit grayer" // This is as an alternative to using the rgb vector, which is not intuitive, or finding "The Right" colour in some collection of definitions. // // A companion programme, Find_Tweek_Colours.pov, uses this macro to produce an array of similar colours which can be used to find the rgb vector of the desired colour. #declare Number_of_HTML_Colours = 140; #declare Number_of_Skin_Colours = 30; #declare Number_of_Hair_Colours = 24; #declare Number_of_Tweek_Colours = 30; #declare Number_of_Pantone_NamedColors =24; #declare Number_of_Pantone_NamedGreys =30; #declare Number_of_Extras =1; #declare Number_of_Colours = Number_of_HTML_Colours + Number_of_Skin_Colours+ Number_of_Hair_Colours + Number_of_Tweek_Colours+Number_of_Pantone_NamedColors+Number_of_Pantone_NamedGreys+Number_of_Extras+1; #declare Pigment_Names =array[Number_of_Colours] { "Pink" "LightPink" "HotPink" "DeepPink" "PaleVioletRed" "MediumVioletRed" "LightSalmon" "Salmon" "DarkSalmon" "LightCoral" "IndianRed" "Crimson" "FireBrick" "DarkRed" "Red" "OrangeRed" "Tomato" "Coral" "DarkOrange" "Orange" "Yellow" "LightYellow" "LemonChiffon" "LightGoldenrodYellow" "PapayaWhip" "Moccasin" "PeachPuff" "PaleGoldenrod" "Khaki" "DarkKhaki" "Gold" "Cornsilk" "BlanchedAlmond" "Bisque" "NavajoWhite" "Wheat" "BurlyWood" "Tan" "RosyBrown" "SandyBrown" "Goldenrod" "DarkGoldenrod" "Peru" "Chocolate" "SaddleBrown" "Sienna" "Brown" "Maroon" "DarkOliveGreen" "Olive" "OliveDrab" "YellowGreen" "LimeGreen" "Lime" "LawnGreen" "Chartreuse" "GreenYellow" "SpringGreen" "MediumSpringGreen" "LightGreen" "PaleGreen" "DarkSeaGreen" "MediumSeaGreen" "SeaGreen" "ForestGreen" "Green" "DarkGreen" "MediumAquamarine" "Aqua" "Cyan" "LightCyan" "PaleTurquoise" "Aquamarine" "Turquoise" "MediumTurquoise" "DarkTurquoise" "LightSeaGreen" "CadetBlue" "DarkCyan" "Teal" "LightSteelBlue" "PowderBlue" "LightBlue" "SkyBlue" "LightSkyBlue" "DeepSkyBlue" "DodgerBlue" "CornflowerBlue" "SteelBlue" "RoyalBlue" "Blue" "MediumBlue" "DarkBlue" "Navy" "MidnightBlue" "Lavender" "Thistle" "Plum" "Violet" "Orchid" "Fuchsia" "Magenta" "MediumOrchid" "MediumPurple" "BlueViolet" "DarkViolet" "DarkOrchid" "DarkMagenta" "Purple" "Indigo" "DarkSlateBlue" "RebeccaPurple" "SlateBlue" "MediumSlateBlue" "White" "Snow" "Honeydew" "MintCream" "Azure" "AliceBlue" "GhostWhite" "WhiteSmoke" "Seashell" "Beige" "OldLace" "FloralWhite" "Ivory" "AntiqueWhite" "Linen" "LavenderBlush" "MistyRose" "Gainsboro" "LightGrey" "Silver" "DarkGray" "Gray" "DimGray" "LightSlateGray" "SlateGray" "DarkSlateGray" "Black" // Skin "Skin_1" "Skin_2" "Skin_3" "Skin_4" "Skin_5" "Skin_6" "Skin_7" "Skin_8" "Skin_9" "Skin_10" "Skin_11" "Skin_12" "Skin_13" "Skin_14" "Skin_15" "Skin_16" "Skin_17" "Skin_18" "Skin_19" "Skin_20" "Skin_21" "Skin_22" "Skin_23" "Skin_24" "Skin_25" "Skin_26" "Skin_27" "Skin_28" "Skin_29" "Skin_30" // Hair "Hair_Black" "Hair_Off_Black" "Hair_Dark_Gray" "Hair_Medium_Gray" "Hair_Light_Gray" "Hair_Platinum_Blonde" "Hair_Bleached_Blonde" "Hair_White_Blonde" "Hair_Light_Blonde" "Hair_Golden_Blonde" "Hair_Ash_Blonde" "Hair_Honey_Blonde" "Hair_Strawberry_Blonde" "Hair_Light_Red" "Hair_Dark_Red" "Hair_Light_Auburn" "Hair_Dark_Auburn" "Hair_Dark_Brown" "Hair_Golden_Brown" "Hair_Medium_Brown" "Hair_Chestnut_Brown" "Hair_Brown" "Hair_Light_Brown" "Hair_Ash_Brown" // Tweek "BlackR" "BlackG" "BlackB" "GrayC" "GrayM" "GrayY" "CharcoalR" "CharcoalG" "CharcoalB" "WhiteC" "WhiteM" "WhiteY" "NearRed" "NearLime" "NearBlue" "NearCyan" "NearMagenta" "NearYellow" "Redish" "Greenish" "Blueish" "Cyanish" "Magentaish" "Yellowish" "YellowBrown" "GreenBlue" "PinkBlue" "BlueGreen" "PinkRed" "GreenYellow" // Pantone named colours "Blue_072" "Blue_0821" "Green_0921" "Hexachrome_Cyan" "Hexachrome_Green" "Hexachrome_Magenta" "Hexachrome_Orange" "Hexachrome_Yellow" "Magenta_0521" "Orange_021" "Process_Black" "Process_Blue" "Process_Cyan" "Process_Magenta" "Process_Yellow" "Red_032" "Red_0331" "Reflex_Blue" "Rhodamine_Red" "Rubine_Red" "Violet_0631" "Warm_Red" "Yellow_012" "Yellow_0131" // Pantone named Greys "Black_6" "Hexachrome_Black" "Black_3" "Black_4" "Black_2" "Black_5" "Black_7" "Warm_Gray_11" "Cool_Gray_11" "Warm_Gray_10" "Cool_Gray_10" "Warm_Gray_9" "Cool_Gray_9" "Warm_Gray_8" "Cool_Gray_8" "Warm_Gray_7" "Black_0961" "Cool_Gray_7" "Warm_Gray_6" "Warm_Gray_5" "Cool_Gray_6" "Cool_Gray_5" "Warm_Gray_4" "Cool_Gray_4" "Warm_Gray_3" "Cool_Gray_3" "Warm_Gray_2" "Cool_Gray_2" "Warm_Gray_1" "Cool_Gray_1" //Extras "Shoe_Brown" } #declare Pigment_Vectors =array[Number_of_Colours] { <1,0.753,0.796> <1,0.714,0.757> <1,0.412,0.706> <1,0.078,0.576> <0.859,0.439,0.576> <0.78,0.082,0.522> <1,0.627,0.478> <0.98,0.502,0.447> <0.914,0.588,0.478> <0.941,0.502,0.502> <0.804,0.361,0.361> <0.863,0.078,0.235> <0.698,0.133,0.133> <0.545,0,0> <1,0,0> <1,0.271,0> <1,0.388,0.278> <1,0.498,0.314> <1,0.549,0> <1,0.647,0> <1,1,0> <1,1,0.878> <1,0.98,0.804> <0.98,0.98,0.824> <1,0.937,0.835> <1,0.894,0.71> <1,0.855,0.725> <0.933,0.91,0.667> <0.941,0.902,0.549> <0.741,0.718,0.42> <1,0.843,0> <1,0.973,0.863> <1,0.922,0.804> <1,0.894,0.769> <1,0.871,0.678> <0.961,0.871,0.702> <0.871,0.722,0.529> <0.824,0.706,0.549> <0.737,0.561,0.561> <0.957,0.643,0.376> <0.855,0.647,0.125> <0.722,0.525,0.043> <0.804,0.522,0.247> <0.824,0.412,0.118> <0.545,0.271,0.075> <0.627,0.322,0.176> <0.647,0.165,0.165> <0.502,0,0> <0.333,0.42,0.184> <0.502,0.502,0> <0.42,0.557,0.137> <0.604,0.804,0.196> <0.196,0.804,0.196> <0,1,0> <0.486,0.988,0> <0.498,1,0> <0.678,1,0.184> <0,1,0.498> <0,0.98,0.604> <0.565,0.933,0.565> <0.596,0.984,0.596> <0.561,0.737,0.561> <0.235,0.702,0.443> <0.18,0.545,0.341> <0.133,0.545,0.133> <0,0.502,0> <0,0.392,0> <0.4,0.804,0.667> <0,1,1> <0,1,1> <0.878,1,1> <0.686,0.933,0.933> <0.498,1,0.831> <0.251,0.878,0.816> <0.282,0.82,0.8> <0,0.808,0.82> <0.125,0.698,0.667> <0.373,0.62,0.627> <0,0.545,0.545> <0,0.502,0.502> <0.69,0.769,0.871> <0.69,0.878,0.902> <0.678,0.847,0.902> <0.529,0.808,0.922> <0.529,0.808,0.98> <0,0.749,1> <0.118,0.565,1> <0.392,0.584,0.929> <0.275,0.51,0.706> <0.255,0.412,0.882> <0,0,1> <0,0,0.804> <0,0,0.545> <0,0,0.502> <0.098,0.098,0.439> <0.902,0.902,0.98> <0.847,0.749,0.847> <0.867,0.627,0.867> <0.933,0.51,0.933> <0.855,0.439,0.839> <1,0,1> <1,0,1> <0.729,0.333,0.827> <0.576,0.439,0.859> <0.541,0.169,0.886> <0.58,0,0.827> <0.6,0.196,0.8> <0.545,0,0.545> <0.502,0,0.502> <0.294,0,0.51> <0.282,0.239,0.545> <0.4,0.2,0.6> <0.416,0.353,0.804> <0.482,0.408,0.933> <1,1,1> <1,0.98,0.98> <0.941,1,0.941> <0.961,1,0.98> <0.941,1,1> <0.941,0.973,1> <0.973,0.973,1> <0.961,0.961,0.961> <1,0.961,0.933> <0.961,0.961,0.863> <0.992,0.961,0.902> <1,0.98,0.941> <1,1,0.941> <0.98,0.922,0.843> <0.98,0.941,0.902> <1,0.941,0.961> <1,0.894,0.882> <0.863,0.863,0.863> <0.827,0.827,0.827> <0.753,0.753,0.753> <0.663,0.663,0.663> <0.502,0.502,0.502> <0.412,0.412,0.412> <0.467,0.533,0.6> <0.439,0.502,0.565> <0.184,0.31,0.31> <0,0,0> // Skin <1,0.875,0.769> <0.941,0.835,0.745> <0.933,0.808,0.702> <0.882,0.722,0.6> <0.898,0.761,0.596> <1,0.863,0.698> <0.898,0.722,0.561> <0.898,0.627,0.451> <0.906,0.62,0.427> <0.859,0.565,0.396> <0.808,0.588,0.486> <0.776,0.471,0.337> <0.729,0.424,0.286> <0.647,0.447,0.341> <0.941,0.784,0.788> <0.867,0.659,0.627> <0.725,0.486,0.427> <0.659,0.459,0.424> <0.678,0.392,0.322> <0.361,0.22,0.212> <0.796,0.518,0.259> <0.741,0.447,0.235> <0.439,0.255,0.224> <0.639,0.525,0.416> <0.529,0.016,0> <0.443,0.004,0.004> <0.263,0,0> <0.357,0,0.004> <0.188,0.18,0.18> <0,0,0> // Hair <0.035,0.031,0.024> <0.173,0.133,0.169> <0.443,0.388,0.353> <0.718,0.651,0.62> <0.839,0.769,0.761> <0.792,0.749,0.694> <0.863,0.816,0.729> <1,0.961,0.882> <0.902,0.808,0.659> <0.898,0.784,0.659> <0.871,0.737,0.6> <0.722,0.592,0.471> <0.647,0.42,0.275> <0.71,0.322,0.224> <0.553,0.29,0.263> <0.569,0.333,0.239> <0.325,0.239,0.196> <0.231,0.188,0.141> <0.333,0.282,0.22> <0.306,0.263,0.247> <0.314,0.267,0.267> <0.416,0.306,0.259> <0.655,0.522,0.416> <0.592,0.475,0.38> // Tweek <0.02,0,0> <0,0.02,0> <0,0,0.02> <0.7,0.8,0.8> <0.8,0.7,0.8> <0.8,0.8,0.7> <0.325,0.275,0.275> <0.275,0.325,0.275> <0.275,0.275,0.325> <0.9,1,1> <1,0.9,1> <1,1,0.9> <0.9,0,0> <0,0.9,0> <0,0,0.9> <0.1,1,1> <.95,0.1,.95> <1,1,0.1> <0.6,0.2,0.2> <0.2,0.6,0.2> <0.2,0.2,0.6> <0.2,0.6,0.6> <0.6,0.2,0.6> <0.6,0.6,0.2> <0.8,0.5,0.2> <0.2,0.8,0.5> <0.5,0.2,0.8> <0.2,0.5,0.8> <0.8,0.2,0.5> <0.5,0.8,0.2> // Pantone named colours <0.161,0.02,0.631> <0.475,0.824,0.902> <0.639,0.906,0.839> <0,0.569,0.8> <0,0.671,0.349> <0.871,0,0.51> <0.961,0.49,0> <0.98,0.878,0.09> <0.949,0.722,0.847> <0.929,0.431,0> <0.169,0.161,0.149> <0,0.549,0.8> <0,0.651,0.839> <0.839,0,0.431> <0.961,0.902,0.09> <0.929,0.18,0.22> <1,0.706,0.749> <0.09,0.09,0.588> <0.902,0,0.58> <0.812,0.012,0.361> <0.8,0.663,0.867> <0.961,0.251,0.161> <0.969,0.851,0.09> <0.957,0.933,0.694> // Pantone named Greys <0.071,0.11,0.149> <0.129,0.129,0.129> <0.161,0.18,0.149> <0.239,0.18,0.11> <0.231,0.2,0.11> <0.271,0.18,0.18> <0.251,0.231,0.2> <0.42,0.361,0.31> <0.4,0.388,0.4> <0.49,0.439,0.38> <0.451,0.451,0.451> <0.549,0.49,0.439> <0.529,0.529,0.522> <0.58,0.529,0.478> <0.588,0.58,0.569> <0.639,0.58,0.529> <0.667,0.631,0.588> <0.639,0.631,0.62> <0.678,0.631,0.58> <0.722,0.671,0.62> <0.71,0.69,0.678> <0.722,0.702,0.678> <0.761,0.71,0.659> <0.761,0.749,0.722> <0.812,0.769,0.722> <0.812,0.788,0.769> <0.871,0.839,0.8> <0.859,0.851,0.82> <0.902,0.859,0.82> <0.91,0.89,0.851> //Extras <.4,.15,0> } #declare Clear = rgbf 1; #macro Pig(Pig_Name) #for (Num,0,Number_of_Colours-1) #if (Pig_Name = Pigment_Names[Num]) #declare Pig_Vec = Pigment_Vectors[Num]; #end #end #ifndef (Pig_Vec) #declare Pig_Vec =<0,0,0>; #end #end #macro Tweeked_Colour(Name,H_Tweek,S_Tweek,L_Tweek) Pig(Name) #declare HCL = vrotate(Pig_Vec,<45,-35.26,H_Tweek>); // -35.26 #declare X = HCL.x ; #declare Y = HCL.y ; #declare Z = HCL.z ; #declare C = sqrt(pow(X,2)+pow(Y,2)); #if(C=0 ) #declare H = 0; #else #declare H = atan2(Y,X) ; #end #if(H<0) #declare H=H+2*pi; #end #declare L = sqrt(pow(X,2)+pow(Y,2)+pow(Z,2)) ; #if (L+L_Tweek*.01>0) #declare Lt = L+L_Tweek*.01; #else Lt=0 #end #declare A = asin(C/L) ; #if (C+S_Tweek*.01>0) #declare Ct= C+S_Tweek*.01; #else #declare Ct= 0; #end #declare At = asin(Ct/L) ; #declare HCLt = vrotate(,<0, 35.26,0>); #declare RGB = vrotate(HCLt,<-45,0,0>); #declare Hue = degrees(H); #declare Chroma = Ct*1.224; #declare Luminance = Lt*.577; #declare PigV = ; pigment {rgb PigV} #end #macro Palette_Display_Vars (Offset,No_Cols,Cols,ColSpace) #declare Range_Off = Offset; #declare Number_of_Colours = No_Cols; #declare No_of_columns = Cols; #declare Column_Spacing = ColSpace; #end #macro Load_Palette (Palette_Name) // Offset,No_Cols,Cols,ColSpace #if (Palette_Name = "HTML_Red_Colours") Palette_Display_Vars(0, 20, 5, 1.6) #end #if (Palette_Name = "HTML_Yellow_Colours") Palette_Display_Vars(18, 29, 5, 1.6) #end #if (Palette_Name = "HTML_Brown_Colours") Palette_Display_Vars(31, 19, 5, 1.6) #end #if (Palette_Name = "HTML_Green_Colours") Palette_Display_Vars(48, 20, 5, 1.6) #end #if (Palette_Name = "HTML_Cyan_Colours") Palette_Display_Vars(67, 23, 5, 1.6) #end #if (Palette_Name = "HTML_Blue_Colours") Palette_Display_Vars(80, 17, 5, 1.6) #end #if (Palette_Name = "HTML_Purple_Colours") Palette_Display_Vars(96, 18, 5, 1.6) #end #if (Palette_Name = "HTML_Grey_Colours") Palette_Display_Vars(114, 27, 6, 1.6) #end #if (Palette_Name = "Skin") Palette_Display_Vars(Number_of_HTML_Colours+1, 30, 6, 1.6) #end #if (Palette_Name = "Hair") Palette_Display_Vars(Number_of_HTML_Colours+Number_of_Skin_Colours+1, 24, 5, 1.8) #end #if (Palette_Name = "Tweek_colours") Palette_Display_Vars(Number_of_HTML_Colours+Number_of_Skin_Colours+Number_of_Hair_Colours+1, 30, 6, 1.55) #end #if (Palette_Name = "Pantone_named_colours") Palette_Display_Vars(Number_of_HTML_Colours+Number_of_Skin_Colours+Number_of_Hair_Colours+Number_of_Tweek_Colours+1, 24, 5, 1.8) #end #if (Palette_Name = "Pantone_named_Greys") Palette_Display_Vars(Number_of_HTML_Colours+Number_of_Skin_Colours+Number_of_Hair_Colours+Number_of_Tweek_Colours+Number_of_Pantone_NamedColors+1, 30, 6, 1.55) #end #end #macro Display_Palette (Palette_Name) #local Rad =.45; #for (Num,0,Number_of_Colours-1) #local Position = ; sphere {Position,Rad pigment {rgb Pigment_Vectors[Range_Off+Num]} } text { ttf "timrom.ttf" Pigment_Names[Range_Off+Num] 1, 0 pigment {Black } scale .2 translate Position +<-0.4,-.65,0>} #end #end #macro Build_Name_line(Start_new_line) #if (Start_new_line) #declare Name_line = ""; #else #declare Next_Name = substr(concat(Pigment_Names[Range_Off+Num]," "),1,25); #declare Name_line = concat(Name_line,Next_Name); #end #end #macro Print_Palette(Palette_Name) Build_Name_line(yes) #fopen Out_File "Palette.txt" write #write (Out_File, Palette_Name,"\n\n") #for (Num,0,Number_of_Colours-1) #write (Out_File, "<", vstr(3,Pigment_Vectors[Range_Off+Num],",",6,3),"> ") #if (mod(Num+1,No_of_columns)=0 | Num=Number_of_Colours-1 ) Build_Name_line(no) #write (Out_File,chr(10), Name_line,chr(10),chr(10)) Build_Name_line(yes) #else Build_Name_line(no) #end #end #end #declare Pink = rgb <1, 0.753, 0.796>; #declare LightPink = rgb <1, 0.714, 0.757>; #declare HotPink = rgb <1, 0.412, 0.706>; #declare DeepPink = rgb <1, 0.078, 0.576>; #declare PaleVioletRed = rgb <0.859, 0.439, 0.576>; #declare MediumVioletRed = rgb <0.78, 0.082, 0.522>; #declare LightSalmon = rgb <1, 0.627, 0.478>; #declare Salmon = rgb <0.98, 0.502, 0.447>; #declare DarkSalmon = rgb <0.914, 0.588, 0.478>; #declare LightCoral = rgb <0.941, 0.502, 0.502>; #declare IndianRed = rgb <0.804, 0.361, 0.361>; #declare Crimson = rgb <0.863, 0.078, 0.235>; #declare FireBrick = rgb <0.698, 0.133, 0.133>; #declare DarkRed = rgb <0.545, 0, 0>; #declare Red = rgb <1, 0, 0>; #declare OrangeRed = rgb <1, 0.271, 0>; #declare Tomato = rgb <1, 0.388, 0.278>; #declare Coral = rgb <1, 0.498, 0.314>; #declare DarkOrange = rgb <1, 0.549, 0>; #declare Orange = rgb <1, 0.647, 0>; #declare Yellow = rgb <1, 1, 0>; #declare LightYellow = rgb <1, 1, 0.878>; #declare LemonChiffon = rgb <1, 0.98, 0.804>; #declare LightGoldenrodYellow = rgb <0.98, 0.98, 0.824>; #declare PapayaWhip = rgb <1, 0.937, 0.835>; #declare Moccasin = rgb <1, 0.894, 0.71>; #declare PeachPuff = rgb <1, 0.855, 0.725>; #declare PaleGoldenrod = rgb <0.933, 0.91, 0.667>; #declare Khaki = rgb <0.941, 0.902, 0.549>; #declare DarkKhaki = rgb <0.741, 0.718, 0.42>; #declare Gold = rgb <1, 0.843, 0>; #declare Cornsilk = rgb <1, 0.973, 0.863>; #declare BlanchedAlmond = rgb <1, 0.922, 0.804>; #declare Bisque = rgb <1, 0.894, 0.769>; #declare NavajoWhite = rgb <1, 0.871, 0.678>; #declare Wheat = rgb <0.961, 0.871, 0.702>; #declare BurlyWood = rgb <0.871, 0.722, 0.529>; #declare Tan = rgb <0.824, 0.706, 0.549>; #declare RosyBrown = rgb <0.737, 0.561, 0.561>; #declare SandyBrown = rgb <0.957, 0.643, 0.376>; #declare Goldenrod = rgb <0.855, 0.647, 0.125>; #declare DarkGoldenrod = rgb <0.722, 0.525, 0.043>; #declare Peru = rgb <0.804, 0.522, 0.247>; #declare Chocolate = rgb <0.824, 0.412, 0.118>; #declare SaddleBrown = rgb <0.545, 0.271, 0.075>; #declare Sienna = rgb <0.627, 0.322, 0.176>; #declare Brown = rgb <0.647, 0.165, 0.165>; #declare Maroon = rgb <0.502, 0, 0>; #declare DarkOliveGreen = rgb <0.333, 0.42, 0.184>; #declare Olive = rgb <0.502, 0.502, 0>; #declare OliveDrab = rgb <0.42, 0.557, 0.137>; #declare YellowGreen = rgb <0.604, 0.804, 0.196>; #declare LimeGreen = rgb <0.196, 0.804, 0.196>; #declare Lime = rgb <0, 1, 0>; #declare LawnGreen = rgb <0.486, 0.988, 0>; #declare Chartreuse = rgb <0.498, 1, 0>; #declare GreenYellow = rgb <0.678, 1, 0.184>; #declare SpringGreen = rgb <0, 1, 0.498>; #declare MediumSpringGreen = rgb <0, 0.98, 0.604>; #declare LightGreen = rgb <0.565, 0.933, 0.565>; #declare PaleGreen = rgb <0.596, 0.984, 0.596>; #declare DarkSeaGreen = rgb <0.561, 0.737, 0.561>; #declare MediumSeaGreen = rgb <0.235, 0.702, 0.443>; #declare SeaGreen = rgb <0.18, 0.545, 0.341>; #declare ForestGreen = rgb <0.133, 0.545, 0.133>; #declare Green = rgb <0, 0.502, 0>; #declare DarkGreen = rgb <0, 0.392, 0>; #declare MediumAquamarine = rgb <0.4, 0.804, 0.667>; #declare Aqua = rgb <0, 1, 1>; #declare Cyan = rgb <0, 1, 1>; #declare LightCyan = rgb <0.878, 1, 1>; #declare PaleTurquoise = rgb <0.686, 0.933, 0.933>; #declare Aquamarine = rgb <0.498, 1, 0.831>; #declare Turquoise = rgb <0.251, 0.878, 0.816>; #declare MediumTurquoise = rgb <0.282, 0.82, 0.8>; #declare DarkTurquoise = rgb <0, 0.808, 0.82>; #declare LightSeaGreen = rgb <0.125, 0.698, 0.667>; #declare CadetBlue = rgb <0.373, 0.62, 0.627>; #declare DarkCyan = rgb <0, 0.545, 0.545>; #declare Teal = rgb <0, 0.502, 0.502>; #declare LightSteelBlue = rgb <0.69, 0.769, 0.871>; #declare PowderBlue = rgb <0.69, 0.878, 0.902>; #declare LightBlue = rgb <0.678, 0.847, 0.902>; #declare SkyBlue = rgb <0.529, 0.808, 0.922>; #declare LightSkyBlue = rgb <0.529, 0.808, 0.98>; #declare DeepSkyBlue = rgb <0, 0.749, 1>; #declare DodgerBlue = rgb <0.118, 0.565, 1>; #declare CornflowerBlue = rgb <0.392, 0.584, 0.929>; #declare SteelBlue = rgb <0.275, 0.51, 0.706>; #declare RoyalBlue = rgb <0.255, 0.412, 0.882>; #declare Blue = rgb <0, 0, 1>; #declare MediumBlue = rgb <0, 0, 0.804>; #declare DarkBlue = rgb <0, 0, 0.545>; #declare Navy = rgb <0, 0, 0.502>; #declare MidnightBlue = rgb <0.098, 0.098, 0.439>; #declare Lavender = rgb <0.902, 0.902, 0.98>; #declare Thistle = rgb <0.847, 0.749, 0.847>; #declare Plum = rgb <0.867, 0.627, 0.867>; #declare Violet = rgb <0.933, 0.51, 0.933>; #declare Orchid = rgb <0.855, 0.439, 0.839>; #declare Fuchsia = rgb <1, 0, 1>; #declare Magenta = rgb <1, 0, 1>; #declare MediumOrchid = rgb <0.729, 0.333, 0.827>; #declare MediumPurple = rgb <0.576, 0.439, 0.859>; #declare BlueViolet = rgb <0.541, 0.169, 0.886>; #declare DarkViolet = rgb <0.58, 0, 0.827>; #declare DarkOrchid = rgb <0.6, 0.196, 0.8>; #declare DarkMagenta = rgb <0.545, 0, 0.545>; #declare Purple = rgb <0.502, 0, 0.502>; #declare Indigo = rgb <0.294, 0, 0.51>; #declare DarkSlateBlue = rgb <0.282, 0.239, 0.545>; #declare RebeccaPurple = rgb <0.4, 0.2, 0.6>; #declare SlateBlue = rgb <0.416, 0.353, 0.804>; #declare MediumSlateBlue = rgb <0.482, 0.408, 0.933>; #declare White = rgb <1, 1, 1>; #declare Snow = rgb <1, 0.98, 0.98>; #declare Honeydew = rgb <0.941, 1, 0.941>; #declare MintCream = rgb <0.961, 1, 0.98>; #declare Azure = rgb <0.941, 1, 1>; #declare AliceBlue = rgb <0.941, 0.973, 1>; #declare GhostWhite = rgb <0.973, 0.973, 1>; #declare WhiteSmoke = rgb <0.961, 0.961, 0.961>; #declare Seashell = rgb <1, 0.961, 0.933>; #declare Beige = rgb <0.961, 0.961, 0.863>; #declare OldLace = rgb <0.992, 0.961, 0.902>; #declare FloralWhite = rgb <1, 0.98, 0.941>; #declare Ivory = rgb <1, 1, 0.941>; #declare AntiqueWhite = rgb <0.98, 0.922, 0.843>; #declare Linen = rgb <0.98, 0.941, 0.902>; #declare LavenderBlush = rgb <1, 0.941, 0.961>; #declare MistyRose = rgb <1, 0.894, 0.882>; #declare Gainsboro = rgb <0.863, 0.863, 0.863>; #declare LightGrey = rgb <0.827, 0.827, 0.827>; #declare Silver = rgb <0.753, 0.753, 0.753>; #declare DarkGray = rgb <0.663, 0.663, 0.663>; #declare Gray = rgb <0.502, 0.502, 0.502>; #declare DimGray = rgb <0.412, 0.412, 0.412>; #declare LightSlateGray = rgb <0.467, 0.533, 0.6>; #declare SlateGray = rgb <0.439, 0.502, 0.565>; #declare DarkSlateGray = rgb <0.184, 0.31, 0.31>; #declare Black = rgb <0, 0, 0>; #declare Skin_2 = rgb <0.941, 0.835, 0.745>; #declare Skin_3 = rgb <0.933, 0.808, 0.702>; #declare Skin_4 = rgb <0.882, 0.722, 0.6>; #declare Skin_5 = rgb <0.898, 0.761, 0.596>; #declare Skin_6 = rgb <1, 0.863, 0.698>; #declare Skin_7 = rgb <0.898, 0.722, 0.561>; #declare Skin_8 = rgb <0.898, 0.627, 0.451>; #declare Skin_9 = rgb <0.906, 0.62, 0.427>; #declare Skin_10 = rgb <0.859, 0.565, 0.396>; #declare Skin_11 = rgb <0.808, 0.588, 0.486>; #declare Skin_12 = rgb <0.776, 0.471, 0.337>; #declare Skin_13 = rgb <0.729, 0.424, 0.286>; #declare Skin_14 = rgb <0.647, 0.447, 0.341>; #declare Skin_15 = rgb <0.941, 0.784, 0.788>; #declare Skin_16 = rgb <0.867, 0.659, 0.627>; #declare Skin_17 = rgb <0.725, 0.486, 0.427>; #declare Skin_18 = rgb <0.659, 0.459, 0.424>; #declare Skin_19 = rgb <0.678, 0.392, 0.322>; #declare Skin_20 = rgb <0.361, 0.22, 0.212>; #declare Skin_21 = rgb <0.796, 0.518, 0.259>; #declare Skin_22 = rgb <0.741, 0.447, 0.235>; #declare Skin_23 = rgb <0.439, 0.255, 0.224>; #declare Skin_24 = rgb <0.639, 0.525, 0.416>; #declare Skin_25 = rgb <0.529, 0.016, 0>; #declare Skin_26 = rgb <0.443, 0.004, 0.004>; #declare Skin_27 = rgb <0.263, 0, 0>; #declare Skin_28 = rgb <0.357, 0, 0.004>; #declare Skin_29 = rgb <0.188, 0.18, 0.18>; #declare Skin_30 = rgb <0, 0, 0>; #declare Hair_Black = rgb <0.035, 0.031, 0.024>; #declare Hair_Off_Black = rgb <0.173, 0.133, 0.169>; #declare Hair_Dark_Gray = rgb <0.443, 0.388, 0.353>; #declare Hair_Medium_Gray = rgb <0.718, 0.651, 0.62>; #declare Hair_Light_Gray = rgb <0.839, 0.769, 0.761>; #declare Hair_Platinum_Blonde = rgb <0.792, 0.749, 0.694>; #declare Hair_Bleached_Blonde = rgb <0.863, 0.816, 0.729>; #declare Hair_White_Blonde = rgb <1, 0.961, 0.882>; #declare Hair_Light_Blonde = rgb <0.902, 0.808, 0.659>; #declare Hair_Golden_Blonde = rgb <0.898, 0.784, 0.659>; #declare Hair_Ash_Blonde = rgb <0.871, 0.737, 0.6>; #declare Hair_Honey_Blonde = rgb <0.722, 0.592, 0.471>; #declare Hair_Strawberry_Blonde = rgb <0.647, 0.42, 0.275>; #declare Hair_Light_Red = rgb <0.71, 0.322, 0.224>; #declare Hair_Dark_Red = rgb <0.553, 0.29, 0.263>; #declare Hair_Light_Auburn = rgb <0.569, 0.333, 0.239>; #declare Hair_Dark_Auburn = rgb <0.325, 0.239, 0.196>; #declare Hair_Dark_Brown = rgb <0.231, 0.188, 0.141>; #declare Hair_Golden_Brown = rgb <0.333, 0.282, 0.22>; #declare Hair_Medium_Brown = rgb <0.306, 0.263, 0.247>; #declare Hair_Chestnut_Brown = rgb <0.314, 0.267, 0.267>; #declare Hair_Brown = rgb <0.416, 0.306, 0.259>; #declare Hair_Light_Brown = rgb <0.655, 0.522, 0.416>; #declare Hair_Ash_Brown = rgb <0.592, 0.475, 0.38>; #declare BlackR = rgb <0.02, 0, 0>; #declare BlackG = rgb <0, 0.02, 0>; #declare BlackB = rgb <0, 0, 0.02>; #declare GrayC = rgb <0.7, 0.8, 0.8>; #declare GrayM = rgb <0.8, 0.7, 0.8>; #declare GrayY = rgb <0.8, 0.8, 0.7>; #declare CharcoalR = rgb <0.325, 0.275, 0.275>; #declare CharcoalG = rgb <0.275, 0.325, 0.275>; #declare CharcoalB = rgb <0.275, 0.275, 0.325>; #declare WhiteC = rgb <0.9, 1, 1>; #declare WhiteM = rgb <1, 0.9, 1>; #declare WhiteY = rgb <1, 1, 0.9>; #declare NearBlue = rgb <0.9, 0, 0>; #declare NearLime = rgb <0, 0.9, 0>; #declare NearRed = rgb <0, 0, 0.9>; #declare NearCyan = rgb <0.1, 1, 1>; #declare NearMagenta = rgb <1, 0.1, 1>; #declare NearYellow = rgb <1, 1, 0.1>; #declare Redish = rgb <0.6, 0.2, 0.2>; #declare Greenish = rgb <0.2, 0.6, 0.2>; #declare Blueish = rgb <0.2, 0.2, 0.6>; #declare Cyanish = rgb <0.2, 0.6, 0.6>; #declare Magentaish = rgb <0.6, 0.2, 0.6>; #declare Yellowish = rgb <0.6, 0.6, 0.2>; #declare YellowBrown = rgb <0.8, 0.5, 0.2>; #declare GreenBlue = rgb <0.2, 0.8, 0.5>; #declare PinkBlue = rgb <0.5, 0.2, 0.8>; #declare BlueGreen = rgb <0.2, 0.5, 0.8>; #declare PinkRed = rgb <0.8, 0.2, 0.5>; #declare GreenYellow = rgb <0.5, 0.8, 0.2>; #declare Blue_072 = rgb <0.161, 0.02, 0.631>; #declare Blue_0821 = rgb <0.475, 0.824, 0.902>; #declare Green_0921 = rgb <0.639, 0.906, 0.839>; #declare Hexachrome_Cyan = rgb <0, 0.569, 0.8>; #declare Hexachrome_Green = rgb <0, 0.671, 0.349>; #declare Hexachrome_Magenta = rgb <0.871, 0, 0.51>; #declare Hexachrome_Orange = rgb <0.961, 0.49, 0>; #declare Hexachrome_Yellow = rgb <0.98, 0.878, 0.09>; #declare Magenta_0521 = rgb <0.949, 0.722, 0.847>; #declare Orange_021 = rgb <0.929, 0.431, 0>; #declare Process_Black = rgb <0.169, 0.161, 0.149>; #declare Process_Blue = rgb <0, 0.549, 0.8>; #declare Process_Cyan = rgb <0, 0.651, 0.839>; #declare Process_Magenta = rgb <0.839, 0, 0.431>; #declare Process_Yellow = rgb <0.961, 0.902, 0.09>; #declare Red_032 = rgb <0.929, 0.18, 0.22>; #declare Red_0331 = rgb <1, 0.706, 0.749>; #declare Reflex_Blue = rgb <0.09, 0.09, 0.588>; #declare Rhodamine_Red = rgb <0.902, 0, 0.58>; #declare Rubine_Red = rgb <0.812, 0.012, 0.361>; #declare Violet_0631 = rgb <0.8, 0.663, 0.867>; #declare Warm_Red = rgb <0.961, 0.251, 0.161>; #declare Yellow_012 = rgb <0.969, 0.851, 0.09>; #declare Yellow_0131 = rgb <0.957, 0.933, 0.694>; #declare Black_6 = rgb <0.071, 0.11, 0.149>; #declare Hexachrome_Black = rgb <0.129, 0.129, 0.129>; #declare Black_3 = rgb <0.161, 0.18, 0.149>; #declare Black_4 = rgb <0.239, 0.18, 0.11>; #declare Black_2 = rgb <0.231, 0.2, 0.11>; #declare Black_5 = rgb <0.271, 0.18, 0.18>; #declare Black_7 = rgb <0.251, 0.231, 0.2>; #declare Warm_Gray_11 = rgb <0.42, 0.361, 0.31>; #declare Cool_Gray_11 = rgb <0.4, 0.388, 0.4>; #declare Warm_Gray_10 = rgb <0.49, 0.439, 0.38>; #declare Cool_Gray_10 = rgb <0.451, 0.451, 0.451>; #declare Warm_Gray_9 = rgb <0.549, 0.49, 0.439>; #declare Cool_Gray_9 = rgb <0.529, 0.529, 0.522>; #declare Warm_Gray_8 = rgb <0.58, 0.529, 0.478>; #declare Cool_Gray_8 = rgb <0.588, 0.58, 0.569>; #declare Warm_Gray_7 = rgb <0.639, 0.58, 0.529>; #declare Black_0961 = rgb <0.667, 0.631, 0.588>; #declare Cool_Gray_7 = rgb <0.639, 0.631, 0.62>; #declare Warm_Gray_6 = rgb <0.678, 0.631, 0.58>; #declare Warm_Gray_5 = rgb <0.722, 0.671, 0.62>; #declare Cool_Gray_6 = rgb <0.71, 0.69, 0.678>; #declare Cool_Gray_5 = rgb <0.722, 0.702, 0.678>; #declare Warm_Gray_4 = rgb <0.761, 0.71, 0.659>; #declare Cool_Gray_4 = rgb <0.761, 0.749, 0.722>; #declare Warm_Gray_3 = rgb <0.812, 0.769, 0.722>; #declare Cool_Gray_3 = rgb <0.812, 0.788, 0.769>; #declare Warm_Gray_2 = rgb <0.871, 0.839, 0.8>; #declare Cool_Gray_2 = rgb <0.859, 0.851, 0.82>; #declare Warm_Gray_1 = rgb <0.902, 0.859, 0.82>; #declare Cool_Gray_1 = rgb <0.91, 0.89, 0.851>;